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Japanese ancient poetry in modern style​ #1-#20


Brilliant blue

Being afraid of melting

Stays tightly frozen

Glacier cracked suddenly

under the warmth of a word


(Nakitakumo nakenai hyouga no ao fukaku

Nurui yobimizu shimite tokaseri)

気休めの口約束は甘い毒 秋雨に知る君の優しさ

Chilly breeze

Sweep leaves away

Dream remains in the rain

Though I can't hear

The voice of Liberty

(Kiyasume no kuchi-yakusoku wa amai doku

Akisame ni shiru kimi no yasashisa)



in the dark Lily sighs

Blooming dream

Wandering smoke of cigarette

Between shady words

(Dare no tame ni arazu tomo saki kareyuku wa 

Yo no tsune naredo kemuri madowasu)


Fading into winter

Colorless dried breeze

Blamed my oblivion

Though nothing to say

in this infinite flow

(Boukyaku wo hijou to najiru kimi saredo

Konoyo ni ikasare nani wo ka iwan-ya)


River flows

Never be hesitating 

Meet the sea

Even if it tastes like

a drop of her tear

(Dokokara ga umi ka nadoto kinimo tomezu 

Nagare tsuzukeru kawa wo urayamu)

​雨粒が 海に帰りたかったと泣く 鈍色の窓 薄墨の空

Rain drops

Remembering the ocean

Stop crying

The sun will come again

To take you to the sky

(Amatsubu ga umi ni kaeritakatta to naku

Nibuiro no mado usu-zumi no sora)

Dying of thirst


Monday madness

Deep inside my heart

Reflected on the wall

月曜の深み潤せりシャルドネ 油彩画の情 映す渇望

(Getsuyou no fukami uruoseri chardonnay

Yusaiga no jou utsusu katsubou)


A bunch of forest

with fallen silver stars

Carrying chill air

in the middle of night

Freezing deja-vu

(Ochita hoshiboshi wo dakitome nezu no ki no kaori

kishikan mayou yubisaki)


Who cares

Hidden stupid sadness

behind my smile

Only moonlight knows

Why I stepped back

(Mata itsuka dokoka deto orokashiku

Te wo furi atozusaru gekkou no yoru)

​幾重にも空を目指して風切羽 赤土に這う芭蕉葉の夢 

How cruel the fate is

To live in a pot

with the spirit of bird

Having its root

in the thin red soil

(Ikue nimo sora wo mezashite kazakiriba 

​Akatsuchi ni hau bashouba no yume)

On the shore

Savage winter wave

All night long

Scooping out the sand

Restless craziness


(Nishikaze ni sakadatsu nami ni egurareshi 

Samon kurueru hama ni nagi nashi)

無限という言葉に色を見るならば青でしかない 君をおもえば

Infinite blue

Your endless voyage

beyond horizon

Crossing pathways

Sometime once again

(Mugen toiu kotoba ni iro wo miru naraba

Ao deshika nai, Kimi wo omoeba)


Carefully enough
Beneath the sleek skin

Hidden ferocity

will be finally known

after sleepless nights 

(Hanabana no honshou wa hita kakusouto

Kakushi tousenu doumou na mitsu)


Walking together

in the arms no speaking

Independently close 
Listening to talkative legs

until this song ends

(Furesou de furenai kimino kuchibiru wa

Katarazare domo Jouzetsu na ashi)


Against the gravity

Helpless effort to resist

Too late to sense

Rather dare to try to see

​Over the singular point

(Juryoku ni hikareta naraba mi wo makase

​Ochite mitatote heru wake ja nashi)


Awaken but dreaming

In the beauty generated

Sleepy gaze like a kid

That's a way you are

​No matter where you are

(Itsu datte hanbun yume mite iru youda

​Sou iu kimi wa ima yume no naka)

​Texture of torture

Smoothly melting fantasy

paralyzed my tongue

Untouchable sadistic gaze

​penetrates my eyes

滑らかに口溶けていく甘ったるい幻想の罪 身から出た錆

(Nameraka ni kuchidoketeiku amattarui

​Gensou no tsumi mikara deta sabi)

I don't care

whether this is dream or real

Any difference?

Between living in a dream

​or dreaming in a dream


(Yume naraba yume to shirazu ni yume no mama

​Isso karada wo akirametemo ii)

Tangled double helix

Seeking beauty, drawing perfection

Quartet core helix

Awaking sense of wonder

You are the answer within


(Kimi to iu tokenai nazo wo egaki dasu

Niju-rasen wo geijutsu to yobu)


The depressing tunnel

Shuttered my way years ago

Now with a light to guide

They will never be allowed

to bother my way to go

(Seigenkou 150 senchi no in-nen mo

Imato natte wa tada no kuragari)

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